Interwoven creates a community space where diverse stories and experiences connect. Designed by University of Utah students and faculty, and featuring original artworks from local community members, this exhibition encourages visitors to actively hear from others, articulate their own lived experiences, and engage with those around them.

By presenting different identities and experiences, Interwoven aims to deepen our understanding of our shared humanity, provide an opportunity to reflect on stories collected from our community, and invite participants to share their own experiences. The exhibition celebrates individual uniqueness and recognizes inequities in our community, encouraging the co-creation of a collective vision for social transformation.

Learning Artifacts, Naming Artifacts, and Connecting Artifacts, 2024. Paper artifacts, wood frames.

These frames contain artifacts from the process of creating Interwoven. The first frame, Learning Artifacts, documents the process of learning in ART 4805, as the student artists studied socially engaged art and social theory from authors Paulo Freire, Patricia Hill Collins, and Gloria Anzaldúa. The second frame, Naming Artifacts, contains artifacts from the process of planning Interwoven, as students named their experiences and designed ways to express their knowledge. Finally, Connecting Artifacts is a collection of artifacts from the workshops held to create the Community Art Quilt and the Listening Tent, including handwritten poems by workshop participants and photos of student artists leading the artmaking.

Community Art Quilt, 2024. Fabric, mixed media.

The Community Art Quilt embodies our diverse identities and human connections. Crafted through several community workshops between April and August of 2024, each quilt square represents the creator’s own identities and lived experiences. Students from ART 4805, who conceived Interwoven, created the center panel of the quilt. Informed by their own academic study and personal exploration, their design serves as a focal point that brings together identities and makes both connections and distinctions between community members’ experiences. 

Listening Tent, 2024. Fabric, mixed media.

The Listening Tent creates an intimate space for the voices of our community. Contributors to the Community Art Quilt wrote poems about their identities and some recorded their poems during the workshops. The recorded lines from these poems create Threads of Existence, a sound artwork that plays through headphones in the Listening Tent.

  • In the tapestry of my being,

    threads of identity, rich and freeing,

    I am Grace and I am funny and kind

    she has seen the beauty, the pain, the livingness

    y en tus “shining moments” brillas tan fuerte como el sol

    so let the cameras roll and let my story unfold

    because my story will not be left untold.

    I’m Ezra and I am playful and smart

    the immense weight of my backpack

    but it’s too late to retract

    first-generation, a trailblazer's mark,

    in pursuit of knowledge, I embark

    I am Davian and I am good at soccer and I am good at art

    a Latino son of humble birth,

    young man thinking, “What was my Dream?”

    a dream, a hope

    a dream only results with wishes

    My name is Roxanne and I am brave and strong

    only if this little Native girl knew

    she has been through worlds amount of endeavors

    eres feroz como un lobo

    y eres agridulce como un limón

    people come and go

    so, I don’t believe that

    I am worthy enough for love

    I live my life now knowing I’m all I’ve got

    no one but her, just her and her broken self

    I preen and I cry and I make myself small

    I break myself until I’m nothing at all

    how do you grow taller if all you see is your lack of stature?

    only if this little Native girl knew

    Time skips

    the cords of death entangled me

    oblivion between breaths

    safety and suffocation

    how long will I be here, alone in the dark?

    a whirlwind of constant commotion

    the world hates me

    the cords of death entangled me

    watermelons and trans flags on my feed

    because I’m a disgrace

    these thoughts are getting too harsh

    bombs and hormone bans

    my distress swallowing me whole

    I will never believe that this world loves me

    these thoughts are getting too harsh

    curdled sticky guilt and bone-deep hurt

    the world hates me

    I’m a disgrace

    how long will it be ‘til I’m lit by a spark?

    Eventually the encased, surrounding feeling left

    and then there was just small me

    overwhelmed, ever-aware

    living a history I can only hear far from where I started

    I just want to be someone

    my god, I don’t fit in right here or anywhere maybe but

    I’ll try again anyways

    I can’t be afraid anymore

    I’ll try I’ll try

    three steps forward one step back

    In the tapestry of my existence,

    I find strength, and persistence,

    a girl that comes from a broken home, broken place

    now, she is thriving

    now she is tough

    now she is brilliant

    now she is adventurous

    now she is Hózhǫ́

    I am Samaya, kind and caring

    in this world, I proudly stand,

    a testament to my native land.

    undocumented, yet unafraid

    undocumented, I set the stage

    doubts fade, fears descend

    my identity was found in the unknown

    despite the ache

    for in acceptance, I truly see,

    the beauty of being authentically me.

    I am Davian and I am good at soccer and I am good at art.

    sé tú, porque no existe nadie más tan auténtico

    como la versión que eres y serás

    I am Franz and I am silly and kind to animals

    I am Esther and I am kind and I like to make new friends

    O to be loved

    I am worthy enough for love

    I hope

    quiérete, ámate, todo a su tiempo

    I hold her hand and feel whole.

    I hold his hand and feel whole.

    I hold their hand and feel whole.

    qué lindo es vivir y ser visto

    qué lindo sentir tan profundo y ser amado

    even for the little moments of being known

    I know

    I would do it all again

    In the morning shine,

    beneath the alpenglow

    the trees do grow.

    moonlight cool and mellow

    what was once a hole that spanned the seasons

    now holds the warmth of

    friendship and things once lost

    woken by a chorus of love

    a late-night dinner with friends,

    a warm healer hug,

    es mi familia, representada con alegría,

    y llenas de felicidad: siempre unidas cada día

    I craft my place within your vast expanse.

    I am Isabella, kind and fun

    she knew her people are behind her

    she has made history in every stage of her life

    so many experiences, so many dreams

    I wish for the freedom of birds

    I wish so deeply for my community

    that we may be safe & aware & rested

    I wish to be the flame of fire

    but more than anything

    I just wish for more community

    with you, though I traverse blindly, I am never alone

    an invisible string in its magic a truth, a reality

    more of this grand group project

    for the better world

    simply waiting for us to make it.

Threads of Existence, 2024. Sound.

Felt Quilt Wall, 2024. Interactive felt installation.

Visiting participants are invited to design their own felt quilt square in this interactive artwork, using questions like, “How might you connect your own identity square with those of others?” and “Will you add to other squares to create something new?” As participants draw elements from squares that others made, this artwork is continually co-created by our community.

Action Column, 2024. Paper, elastic, pegboard.

As participants share their experiences and cultivate a collective understanding of our world, opportunities for social transformation emerge. Visiting participants have the opportunity to share their vision for change and the actions they might take to support their community at the Action Column.

    • All About Love: New Visions, by bell hooks 

    • Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment, by Patricia Hill Collins 

    • Borderlands / La Frontera: The New Mestiza, by Gloria Anzaldúa 

    • Cassie's Word Quilt, by Faith Ringgold 

    • Engaging Classrooms and Communities through Art: The Guide to Designing and Implementing Community-Based Art Education, by Beth Krensky and Seana Lowe Steffen 

    • March (series), by John Lewis. Illustrated by Andrew Aydin 

    • A People's History of the United States, by Howard Zinn  

    • Pedagogy of the Oppressed: 50th Anniversary Edition, by Paulo Freire 

    • Stitch by Stitch: Cleve Jones and the AIDS Memorial Quilt, by Rob Sanders. Illustrated by Jamey Christoph 

    • Stitchin' and Pullin': A Gee's Bend Quilt, by Patricia McKissack 

    • The All-Together Quilt, by Lizzy Rockwell 

    • The Quilt: Stories from the Names Project, by Cindy Ruskin 

    • The Quilts of Gee's Bend, by John Beardsley 


Reclaiming Eden MFA Thesis Show